Elevator Maintenance Tips

In addition to having an effective preventive maintenance contract in place with a reputable contractor, elevator shut downs can be minimized by implementing good building maintenance practices. Delta receives service call requests on a regular basis that could have been avoided by checking a few simple things pertaining to the elevating device system.
If the elevator cab is accessible with the doors open, we recommend the following:
- Clean the hall door, car tracks, and light ray unit.
- Tap stuck buttons lightly and/or remove wedged items to help free them (but never try to correct the problem with tools).
- Maintain a stable building pressure by keeping exterior doors closed.
Ensure the elevator is not on independent service or fire recall.
If none of the items above resolve the issue, contact your service provider’s office and provide as much detail as possible to dispatch to initiate a service call.
Other important building-related items that contribute to reliable elevator operation are:
- Keeping the machine room between 15°C and 32°C.
- Performing daily inspections to reduce vandalism (which is a major cause of elevator repairs).
- Replacing burnt out cab lights as part of your regular maintenance routine.
Painting door frames carefully since sticking paint can cause the rubber door stops to pull out or become dislodged. A layer of petroleum jelly on the stops may help in this regard.
- Avoiding the use of cleaning solutions on buttons or light rays to prevent internal corrosion.
NOTE: If one car in a group is not working, do not use fire recall to attempt to bring it down because this will shut down all the cars.
Also, if an elevator is stopped with a visible hazard to the public, a barricade should be erected in front of the entrance and a service call placed with your contractor.
More information about elevator maintenance can be found on the Delta website at: